
Inheritance diagram of ObjectModel

ObjectModel inheritance diagram

class savant.base.model.ObjectModel(local_path=None, remote=None, model_file=None, batch_size=1, precision=ModelPrecision.FP16, input=ModelInput(object='auto.frame', layer_name=None, shape=None, maintain_aspect_ratio=False, scale_factor=1.0, offsets=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color_format=<ModelColorFormat.RGB: 0>, preprocess_object_meta=None, preprocess_object_image=None), output=ObjectModelOutput(layer_names=[], converter=None, objects='???'))

Object model configuration template. Validates entries in a module config file under element.model.

Use to configure a detector.

batch_size: int = 1

Number of frames or objects to be inferred together in a batch.


In case the model is an NvInferModel and it is configured to use the TRT engine file directly, the default value for batch_size will be taken from the engine file name, by parsing it according to the scheme {model_name}_b{batch_size}_gpu{gpu_id}_{precision}.engine

input: ModelInput = ModelInput(object='auto.frame', layer_name=None, shape=None, maintain_aspect_ratio=False, scale_factor=1.0, offsets=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color_format=<ModelColorFormat.RGB: 0>, preprocess_object_meta=None, preprocess_object_image=None)

Optional configuration of input data and custom preprocessing methods for a model. If not set, then input will default to entire frame.

local_path: str | None = None

Path where all the necessary model files are placed. By default, the value of module parameter “model_path” and element name will be used (“model_path / element_name”).

model_file: str | None = None

The model file, eg yolov4.onnx.


The model file is specified without a location. The absolute path to the model file will be defined as “local_path/model_file”.

precision: ModelPrecision = 2

Data format to be used by inference.


precision: fp16
# precision: int8
# precision: fp32


In case the model is an NvInferModel and it is configured to use the TRT engine file directly, the default value for precision will be taken from the engine file name, by parsing it according to the scheme {model_name}_b{batch_size}_gpu{gpu_id}_{precision}.engine

remote: RemoteFile | None = None

Configuration of model files remote location. Supported schemes: s3, http, https, ftp.

output: ObjectModelOutput = ObjectModelOutput(layer_names=[], converter=None, objects='???')

Configuration for post-processing of an object model’s results.