
BasePyFuncPlugin inheritance diagram
- class savant.base.pyfunc.BasePyFuncPlugin(**kwargs)
Base class for a PyFunc implementation to be used in a
gstreamer element.PyFunc implementations are defined in and instantiated by a
structure.- on_start()
Do on plugin start.
- on_stop()
Do on plugin stop.
- on_event(event)
Do on event.
- abstract process_buffer(buffer)
Process gstreamer buffer. Throws an exception if fatal error has occurred.
- Parameters:
buffer (Buffer) – Gstreamer buffer.
- get_queues()
Get all pipeline queues.
- get_upstream_queue()
Get upstream queue, the last queue before the pyfunc.
Can be used to check the current queue size for bandwidth management.
queue = self.get_upstream_queue() ... if queue.full(): ...
- get_queue(name)
Get pipeline queue by name.
pipeline: elements: - element: queue name: my_queue ...
queue = self.get_queue('my_queue')