How Savant Communicates With External Video Sources

Let us get acquainted with the top-level components of Savant. A “module” is a docker container where a pipeline running computer vision resides. Modules must somehow communicate with the external world: they capture video or images from cams, files, queues, and streaming servers and send results to other external systems like video archives, databases, broadcast systems, etc. In Savant, normally modules don’t do these things by themselves, delegating them to adapters, but direct interaction is also possible.

GStreamer implements pluggable architecture. There is a number of plugin types supported: sources, sinks, transformers. By default, it provides ready-to-use plugins to communicate with external data, like uridecodebin, videotestsrc or fakesink.

Savant also translates its manifest to a GStreamer pipeline, but with custom ZeroMQ source and ZeroMQ sink elements enabling the communication with data via special external processes called adapters (we introduce them in the next sections).

Those elements are defined in the module definition by default and usually are hidden from developers. However, the interested person may change the default source and sink to GStreamer elements like uridecodebin if the pipeline benefits from it.

Currently, the single source- and multiple sink declarations are supported.


The adapters are standalone programs executed in separate Docker containers. They communicate with modules via ZeroMQ: source adapters ingest data, sink adapters consume data from modules and bridge adapters consume data from other sources and ingest it.

The decoupled nature of adapters guarantees high reliability because errors happening outside of the pipeline don’t propagate to the module. Thus, adapters deliver two main functions: abstracting the module from data sources and destinations and providing a foundation for fault-tolerant operations.

Adapters transfer video streams and metadata over network or locally. We implemented several handy adapters; interested parties can implement the specific adapters to address their situations: the protocol is based on open-source technologies.

Savant Adapter Protocol

Savant uses a protocol based on ZeroMQ and Savant-RS for communication between adapters and modules. It can be used to connect an adapter with other adapter, an adapter with a module, a module with a module, etc. The protocol is universal for source, sink and bridge adapters.

With the protocol, one may build oriented graphs representing data sources, sinks, and modules, arranging them within a single host or in a distributed environment like K8s.

It supports transferring:

  • video frames [optional];

  • video stream-level information (encoding, fps, resolution, etc);

  • frame-related metadata (global per-frame attributes);

  • the hierarchy of objects and their attributes related to the frame.

The protocol is described in the Savant-RS serialization section.

Communication Sockets

Adapters and modules may use three different ZeroMQ patterns to communicate. The chosen pattern defines possible topologies and quality of service.

Currently, the following patterns are supported:

  • DEALER/ROUTER: reliable, asynchronous pair with backpressure (default choice);

  • REQ/REP: reliable, synchronous pair (paranoid choice);

  • PUB/SUB: unreliable, real-time pair (default choice for strict real-time operation or broadcasting).

You can read read more about ZeroMQ sockets on ZeroMQ website.

Savant currently supports two network transports:

  • Unix domain sockets;

  • TCP sockets (unicast).

You must prefer Unix domain sockets over TCP sockets when communication is established locally, especially when uncompressed frame formats are used (e.g., when using GigE Vision industrial cams or USB cams).

In Savant Unix domain sockets URLs look like as follows:

# etc...

TCP sockets URLs look like as follows:

# etc

When the transports are specified with the environment variables it looks like:

# Unix domain socket communication

# which is equal to


# tcp socket communication

# which is equal to

Not all socket pairs form “sane” communication patterns, so, you must use combinations colored green:

The Rules Of Thumb

Consider the following ideas when planning source-module-sink topologies:

  • Use the module in the bind mode, adapters in the connect mode; change if it does not work for you.

  • The party which delivers multiplexed stream usually has the bind type; the party which handles a single (non-multiplexed) stream usually has the connect type.

  • Use the PUB/SUB pair when the pipeline or adapter is capable of handling the traffic in real-time.

Typical Patterns

We recommend starting with typical patterns when designing pipelines.


  • D - dealer;

  • R - router;

  • P - publisher (PUB);

  • S - subscriber (SUB).

The pair combinations are discussed after the patterns-related sections.

Data-Center Patterns

Data-center patterns are used to reliably process video streams with increased latency in situations when the pipeline is overwhelmed with data. Typical ZeroMQ socket pairs used in data-center patterns are DEALER/ROUTER (recommended) or REQ/REP.

These pairs implement backpressure causing processing to be delayed when thresholds are reached.

The first represents a typical scenario when an adapter reads multiplexed streams from an external queue system (like Kafka) and passes them to a module. The module, in turn, transfers results (and video) to an adapter delivering them into an external system.

The second is typical when adapters deliver data from several sources (e.g. RTSP cams) into a module instance. The right side of the pipeline stays the same as in the previous case.

Edge Patterns

Edge is usually used to serve low-latency real-time video processing. To implement that, we establish the PUB/SUB connection because it drops the packets that the SUB part cannot process on time.

This mechanism works great with streams delivering MJPEG, RAW, JPEG, PNG, and other independently encoded video frames. Using it with keyframe-encoded streams leads to video corruption.

The first pattern can be used when neither adapters nor the module must get stuck because of the sink stalling. The second pattern is beneficial when a sink guarantees processing, and you do not worry that it may cause stalling.


This is the recommended pair when you don’t need to copy the same messages to multiple subscribers. It is a reliable socket pair: the DEALER will block if the ROUTER’s queue is full.

Source/CONNECT, Module/BIND. This is a typical scheme.

Module/CONNECT, Sink/BIND. This is a normal pattern when a sink adapter communicates with an external system like Kafka and wishes to send data from multiple module instances.

Source/BIND, Module/CONNECT. This is an exotic pattern. Nevertheless, it does the job when a module handles independent images without the need to maintain per-source order. In this scheme, the source will evenly distribute data between connected modules according to the LRU strategy, so it is impossible to use the scheme when you work with video.

Module/BIND, Sink/CONNECT. This is a valid pattern when sinks communicating with an external system require partitioning and data appending order is not critical.


The REQ/REP pair is similar to DEALER/ROUTER except that the REQ part receives replies from the REP part every time the REP part reads the message.


The PUB/SUB is convenient when you need to duplicate the same data to multiple subscribers. Another use case is real-time data processing: excessive elements are dropped if the pipeline cannot handle the traffic.

Source/BIND, Module/CONNECT. A source is initialized as a server (bind), and a module connects to it. This scheme can be used when the source already delivers multiple streams or the module handles a single stream provided by the source. In this scenario, the source can duplicate the same stream to multiple modules simultaneously.

Module/BIND, Sink/CONNECT. This scheme is used widely. A module duplicates the same data to multiple sinks. A sink can filter out only required data.

Source/CONNECT, Module/BIND. A typical scheme when a module handles multiple streams. The module binds to a socket and adapters connect to that socket.

Module/CONNECT, Sink/BIND. This is unusual but a correct scheme. A sink handles multiple outputs from modules to deliver them in a storage, e.g. Kafka or ClickHouse.

PUB/SUB examples:

  • delivering frames from a single camera to two different pipelines;

  • delivering resulting video analytics to two different adapters (e.g. for RTSP streaming and database ingestion).

PUB/SUB is unreliable (no backpressure), which means that if the subscriber is slow the frames may be lost because PUB never blocks. The adapter must handle incoming frames smartly (using internal queueing) to overcome that.

We recommend using the PUB/SUB in the following scenarios:

  • when processing independently encoded frames from a cam (MJPEG, RGB, etc.), so when processing is slow, you can afford to drop frames;

  • when an adapter is implemented in a way to read frames from the socket fast and know how to queue them internally.

Antipattern: passing video files over PUB/SUB to the module with no SYNC flag set.

Pattern example (Sink): Connecting multiple Always-On RTSP Sink instances to the module instance to cast multiple streams.

We provide adapters to address the common needs of users. The current list of adapters covers many typical scenarios in real life. Provided adapters can be used as an idea to implement a specific one required in your case.

Source Adapters

Source adapters deliver data from external sources (files, RTSP, devices) to a module.

Currently, the following source adapters are available:

  • Video loop adapter;

  • Local video file;

  • Local directory of video files;

  • Local image file;

  • Local directory of image files;

  • Image URL;

  • Video URL;

  • RTSP stream;

  • USB/CSI camera;

  • GigE (Genicam) industrial cam;

  • FFmpeg;

  • Multi-stream;

  • Kafka-Redis Source;

  • Message Dump Player.

Most source adapters accept the following common parameters:

  • SOURCE_ID: a string identifier for a stream processed; this option is required; every stream must have a unique identifier, if identifiers collide, processing may cause unpredictable results; the identifier may encode user-defined semantics in a prefix, like; many sink adapters can filter out streams by prefix or full SOURCE_ID;

  • ZMQ_ENDPOINT: adapter’s socket where it sends media stream; it must form a valid ZeroMQ pair with module’s input socket; the endpoint coding scheme is [<socket_type>+(bind|connect):]<endpoint>;

  • ZMQ_TYPE: a socket type; default is DEALER, also can be set to PUB or REQ; warning: this parameter is deprecated, consider encoding the type in ZMQ_ENDPOINT;

  • ZMQ_BIND; a socket mode (the bind mode is when the parameter is set to True); default is False; warning: this parameter is deprecated, consider encoding the type in ZMQ_ENDPOINT;

  • FPS_PERIOD_FRAMES; a number of frames between FPS reports; FPS reporting helps to estimate the performance of the pipeline components deployed; default is 1000;

  • FPS_PERIOD_SECONDS; a number of seconds between FPS reports; default is None which means that FPS reporting uses FPS_PERIOD_FRAMES;

  • FPS_OUTPUT; a path to the file for FPS reports; default is stdout;

  • USE_ABSOLUTE_TIMESTAMPS; when True the adapter puts absolute timestamps into the frames, i.e. the timestamps of the frames start from the time of adapter launch; default is False.

Image File Source Adapter

The Image File Source Adapter sends JPEG or PNG files to a module. It may be used to generate video streams from separate images or process independent images.

The images are served from:

  • a local path to a single file;

  • a local path to a directory with files (not necessarily in the same encoding);

  • an HTTP URL to a single file.


The adapter is useful for development purposes: a developer can associate every image with extra metadata in JSON format to implement pipeline testing. E.g., you may add metadata for expected bounding boxes and evaluate assertions in the pipeline to validate that the model predicts them.


The adapter also can be used to implement asynchronous image processing pipelines. Metadata allows passing per-image identification information over the pipeline to access the results when those images are processed.


It is advisable to have all pictures in the same resolution to avoid issues with the pipeline. Sending images with different resolutions will degrade the performance of the pipeline. To avoid this there are few options:
  1. Resize all images to the same resolution.

  2. Set EOS_ON_FRAME_PARAMS_CHANGE=True in the adapter and true in module configuration. This should work on dGPU but won’t work on Jetson.

  3. Sort images by resolution. This will decrease the amount of generated EOS.


  • FILE_TYPE: a flag specifying that the adapter is used for images; it must always be set to image;

  • LOCATION: a filesystem location (path or directory) or HTTP URL from where images are served;

  • FRAMERATE: a desired framerate for the output video stream generated from image files (the parameter is used only if SYNC_OUTPUT=True);

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: a flag indicating that images are delivered into a module as a video stream; otherwise, the files are sent as fast as the module is capable processing them; default is False;

  • EOS_ON_FILE_END: a flag configuring sending of EOS message after every image; the EOS message is important to trackers, helping them to reset tracking when a video stream is no longer continuous; default is False;

  • EOS_ON_FRAME_PARAMS_CHANGE: a flag configuring sending of EOS message after every change in image resolution; the EOS message is important to trackers, helping them to reset tracking when a video stream is no longer continuous; default is True;

  • SORT_BY_TIME: a flag specifying sorting by modification time (ascending); by default, it is False, causing the files to be sorted lexicographically;

  • READ_METADATA: a flag specifying the need to augment images with metadata from JSON files with the corresponding names as the source files; default is False.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name images-source \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e FILE_TYPE=image \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e LOCATION=/path/to/images \
    -v /path/to/images:/path/to/images:ro \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ images --source-id=test /path/to/images

Video File Source Adapter

The Video File Source Adapter sends video files to a module as a single stream.

The video files are served from:

  • a local path to a single file;

  • a local path to a directory with one or more files;

  • HTTP URL to a single file;


  • FILE_TYPE: must be set to video;

  • LOCATION: a video file(s) location or URL;

  • EOS_ON_FILE_END: a flag indicating whether to send the EOS message at the end of each file; default is True; the EOS message is crucial for trackers to recognize when a video stream is no longer continuous; when sending ordered parts of a single video file without gaps usually must be set to False;

  • EOS_ON_FRAME_PARAMS_CHANGE: a flag indicating whether to send the EOS message after every change in video parameters (resolution, framerate); default is True; the EOS message is crucial for trackers to recognize when a video stream is no longer continuous;

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: flag specifying if to send frames synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate); default is False;

  • SORT_BY_TIME: a flag indicating whether files are sorted by modification time (ascending) before sending to a module; by default, it is False (lexicographical sorting);

  • READ_METADATA: a flag specifying the need to augment video frames with metadata from JSON files with the corresponding names as the source files; default is False.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-video-files-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e FILE_TYPE=video \
    -e SYNC_OUTPUT=False \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e LOCATION=/path/to/data/test.mp4 \
    -v /path/to/data/test.mp4:/path/to/data/test.mp4:ro \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ videos --source-id=test /path/to/data/test.mp4


The resulting video stream framerate is set to the framerate of the first video file; subsequent files are delivered with the same FPS. Consider having the same framerate for all video files or serving each file separately. The adapter is lightweight, and the cost of launching is negligible.

Video Loop Source Adapter

The Video Loop Source Adapter sends a video file continuously in a loop.

The file location can be:

  • a local file;

  • an HTTP URL;


The adapter helps developers create infinite video streams for benchmarking, demonstrating, and testing purposes. It allows configuring a frame loss ratio to test processing in an unstable environment.


  • LOCATION: a video file local path or URL;

  • EOS_ON_LOOP_END: a flag indicating whether to send EOS message at the end of each loop; default is False;

  • READ_METADATA: a flag indicating the need to augment the stream with metadata from a JSON file corresponding to the source file; default is False;

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: a flag indicating the need to send frames from source synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate); default is False;

  • DOWNLOAD_PATH: a directory to download the file from remote storage before playing it;

  • LOSS_RATE: a probability to drop the frames.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-video-loop-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e SYNC_OUTPUT=True \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e LOCATION=/path/to/data/test.mp4 \
    -e DOWNLOAD_PATH=/tmp/video-loop-source-downloads \
    -v /path/to/data/test.mp4:/path/to/data/test.mp4:ro \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \
    -v /tmp/video-loop-source-downloads:/tmp/video-loop-source-downloads \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ video-loop --source-id=test /path/to/data/test.mp4

FFmpeg Source Adapter

The adapter delivers video stream using FFmpeg library. It can be used to read video files, RTSP streams, and other sources supported by FFmpeg.


  • URI (required): an URI of the stream;

  • FFMPEG_PARAMS: a comma separated string key=value with parameters for FFmpeg (e.g. rtsp_transport=tcp, input_format=mjpeg,video_size=1280x720);

  • FFMPEG_LOGLEVEL: a log level for FFmpeg; default is info;

  • BUFFER_LEN: a maximum amount of frames in FFmpeg buffer; default is 50;

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: a flag indicating the need to send frames from source synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate); default is False;

  • SYNC_DELAY: a delay in seconds before sending frames; default is 0;

  • FFMPEG_TIMEOUT_MS: a timeout in milliseconds for FFmpeg to wait for a frame; default is 10000.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-ffmpeg-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e URI=rtsp:// \
    -e FFMPEG_PARAMS=rtsp_transport=tcp \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ ffmpeg --source-id=test --ffmpeg-params=input_format=mjpeg,video_size=1280x720 --device=/dev/video0 /dev/video0

RTSP Source Adapter

The RTSP Source Adapter delivers RTSP stream to a module.


  • RTSP_URI (required): an RTSP URI of the stream;

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: a flag indicating the need to send frames from source synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate); default is False;

  • SYNC_DELAY: a delay in seconds before sending frames; when the source has B-frames the flag allows avoiding sending frames in batches; default is 0;

  • RTSP_TRANSPORT: a transport protocol to use; default is tcp;

  • BUFFER_LEN: a maximum amount of frames in the buffer; default is 50;

  • FFMPEG_TIMEOUT_MS: a timeout in milliseconds for FFmpeg to wait for a frame; default is 10000.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-rtsp-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e RTSP_URI=rtsp:// \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ rtsp --source-id=test rtsp://

USB Cam Source Adapter

The USB/CSI cam source adapter captures frames from a V4L2-compatible device. Savant does not include a dedicated USB- or CSI-cam adapter; instead, it uses the the FFmpeg source adapter to capture frames from the device.

In the compose:

  restart: unless-stopped
    - zmq_sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets
    - URI=/dev/video0
    - FFMPEG_PARAMS=input_format=mjpeg,video_size=1920x1080
    - ZMQ_ENDPOINT=pub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc
    - SOURCE_ID=video
    - /dev/video0:/dev/video0
  entrypoint: /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/
      condition: service_healthy

In plain Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-usb-cam-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e URI=/dev/video0 \
    -e FFMPEG_PARAMS=input_format=mjpeg,video_size=1920x1080 \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \
    --device=/dev/video0:/dev/video0 \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ ffmpeg --source-id=test --ffmpeg-params=input_format=mjpeg,video_size=1920x1080 --device=/dev/video0 /dev/video0


You can work with USB/CSI cameras that are compatible with the V4L2 API. The adapter uses FFmpeg to capture frames from the device. Currently, cameras supporting MJPEG, raw color formats, and H.264/HEVC are supported.

Related articles in the Savant blog:

GigE Vision Source Adapter


Additional information on GigE Vision cameras support in the blog.

The adapter is designed to take video streams from Ethernet GigE Vision industrial cams. It passes the frames captured from the camera to the module without encoding (#18) which may introduce significant network load. We recommend using it locally with the module deployed at the same host.


  • WIDTH: the width of the video frame, in pixels;

  • HEIGHT: the height of the video frame, in pixels;

  • FRAMERATE: the framerate of the video stream, in frames per second;

  • INPUT_CAPS: the format of the video stream, in GStreamer caps format (e.g. video/x-raw,format=RGB);

  • PACKET_SIZE: the packet size for GigEVision cameras, in bytes;

  • AUTO_PACKET_SIZE: whether to negotiate the packet size automatically for GigEVision cameras;

  • EXPOSURE: the exposure time for the camera, in microseconds;

  • EXPOSURE_AUTO: the auto exposure mode for the camera, one of off, once, or on;

  • GAIN: the gain for the camera, in decibels;

  • GAIN_AUTO: the auto gain mode for the camera, one of off, once, or on;

  • FEATURES: additional configuration parameters for the camera, as a space-separated list of features;

  • HOST_NETWORK: host network to use;

  • CAMERA_NAME: name of the camera, in the format specified in the command description;

  • ENCODE: a flag indicating the need to encode video stream with HEVC codec; default is False;

  • ENCODE_BITRATE: the bitrate for the encoded video stream, in kbit/sec; default is 2048;

  • ENCODE_KEY_INT_MAX: the maximum interval between two keyframes, in frames; default is 30;

  • ENCODE_SPEED_PRESET: preset name for speed/quality tradeoff options; one of ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow, placebo; default is medium;

  • ENCODE_TUNE: preset name for tuning options; one of psnr, ssim, grain, zerolatency, fastdecode, animation; default is zerolatency.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-gige-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e CAMERA_NAME=test-camera \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ gige --source-id=test test-camera

Multi-stream Source Adapter

The Multi-stream Source Adapter sends the same video file to multiple streams.


The purpose of the adapter is to benchmark modules under the load to find out their FPS capacity.

The file location is:

  • a local file;

  • an HTTP URL;


  • LOCATION (required): a video file local path or URL;

  • SOURCE_ID_PATTERN: a pattern for stream source identifiers; use %d, %03d placeholders for stream idx. Default is source-%d, usually no need to change it;

  • NUMBER_OF_STREAMS: a number of parallel streams; default is 1;

  • NUMBER_OF_FRAMES: a number of frames to be sent to each stream; if not specified, all frames from the video file will be sent;

  • SHUTDOWN_AUTH: an authentication key to shutdown the module after all frames were sent. Must match parameters.shutdown_auth in the module configuration to have an effect;

  • READ_METADATA: a flag indicating the need to augment the stream with metadata from a JSON file corresponding to the source file; default is False;

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: a flag indicating the need to send frames from source synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate); default is False; the parameter can be used to simulate real-time sources like RTSP-cams;

  • DOWNLOAD_PATH: a directory to download the file from remote storage before playing it.


The adapter doesn’t have SOURCE_ID parameter.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-multi-stream-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sources/ \
    -e SYNC_OUTPUT=True \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID_PATTERN='camera-%d' \
    -e SHUTDOWN_AUTH=shutdown-key \
    -e LOCATION=/path/to/data/test.mp4 \
    -e DOWNLOAD_PATH=/tmp/video-loop-source-downloads \
    -v /path/to/data/test.mp4:/path/to/data/test.mp4:ro \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \
    -v /tmp/video-loop-source-downloads:/tmp/video-loop-source-downloads \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ multi-stream --source-id-pattern='camera-%d' --number-of-sources=4 --shutdown-auth=shutdown-key /path/to/data/test.mp4

Kafka-Redis Source Adapter

The Kafka-Redis Source Adapter takes video stream metadata from Kafka and fetches frame content from Redis. Frame content location is encoded as <redis-host>:<redis-port>:<redis-db>/<redis-key>.


  • KAFKA_BROKERS (required): a comma-separated list of Kafka brokers;

  • KAFKA_TOPIC (required): a Kafka topic to read messages from;

  • KAFKA_GROUP_ID (required): a Kafka consumer group ID;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC: a flag indicating whether to create a Kafka topic if it does not exist; default is False;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_NUM_PARTITIONS: a number of partitions for a Kafka topic to create; default is 1;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR: a replication factor for a Kafka topic to create; default is 1;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_CONFIG: a json dict of a Kafka topic configuration, see topic configs (e.g. {"": 300000}); default is {};

  • KAFKA_POLL_TIMEOUT: a timeout for Kafka consumer poll, in seconds; default is 1;

  • KAFKA_AUTO_COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS: a frequency in milliseconds that the consumer offsets are auto-committed to Kafka; default is 1000;

  • KAFKA_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET: a position to start reading messages from Kafka topic when the group is created; default is latest;

  • KAFKA_PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY: a strategy to assign partitions to consumers; default is roundrobin;

  • KAFKA_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS: a maximum delay in milliseconds between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management; default is 300000;

  • QUEUE_SIZE: a maximum amount of messages in the queue; default is 50.


The adapter doesn’t have SOURCE_ID, ZMQ_TYPE, ZMQ_BIND, USE_ABSOLUTE_TIMESTAMPS parameters.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-kafka-redis-test \
    --entrypoint python \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=pub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e KAFKA_BROKERS=kafka:9092 \
    -e KAFKA_TOPIC=kafka-redis-adapter-demo \
    -e KAFKA_GROUP_ID=kafka-redis-adapter-demo \
    -e 'KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_CONFIG={"": 300000}' \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \ \
    -m adapters.python.sources.kafka_redis

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ kafka-redis --brokers=kafka:9092 --topic=kafka-redis-adapter-demo --group-id=kafka-redis-adapter-demo

Kinesis Video Stream Source Adapter

The Kinesis Video Stream Source Adapter takes video frames from Kinesis Video Stream.







An AWS region.




An AWS access key ID.




An AWS secret access key.




Name of the Kinesis Video Stream.




Either timestamp in format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S or delay from current time in -<delay>(s|m). E.g. 2024-03-12T06:57:00, -30s, -1m.




A flag specifying if to send frames synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate).




A flag specifying if the stream should start playing immediately.




A port for REST API.




A flag indicating whether to save state to the state file.




A path to the state file.




The adapter doesn’t have ZMQ_TYPE, ZMQ_BIND, USE_ABSOLUTE_TIMESTAMPS parameters.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name source-kinesis-video-stream-test \
    --entrypoint python \
    -p 18367:18367 \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=pub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e AWS_REGION=us-west-2 \
    -e STREAM_NAME=test-stream \
    -e TIMESTAMP=-1m \
    -e SYNC_OUTPUT=True \
    -e PLAYING=True \
    -e API_PORT=18367 \
    -e SAVE_STATE=True \
    -e STATE_PATH=/state/test.json \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \
    -v "$(pwd)/source-kinesis-video-stream-test:/state" \ \
    -m adapters.python.sources.kvs

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ kvs \
    --aws-region=us-west-2 \
    --aws-access-key='AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE' \
    --aws-secret-key='wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY' \
    --stream-name=test-stream \
    --timestamp=-1m \


The adapter provides a REST API to control the stream. The API is available at http://<host>:<API_PORT>. The OpenAPI documentation is available at http://<host>:<API_PORT>/docs.

The API provides the following endpoints:

PUT /stream: Update stream configuration.

Request body:

  • name (string): name of the Kinesis Video Stream;

  • source_id (string): source ID;

  • timestamp (string): timestamp in format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S;

  • credentials (object): AWS credentials:

    • region (string): AWS region;

    • access_key (string): AWS access key ID;

    • secret_key (string): AWS secret access key;

  • is_playing (bool): a flag specifying if the stream should start playing immediately.


If any of the parameters is not specified, the value from the current stream configuration will be used.

Response body the same as the request body.


curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:18367/stream' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
    "name": "test-stream",
    "source_id": "test",
    "timestamp": "2024-03-12T06:57:00",
    "credentials": {
        "region": "us-west-2",
        "access_key": "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE",
        "secret_key": "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY"
    "is_playing": true
    "name": "test-stream",
    "source_id": "test",
    "timestamp": "2024-03-12T06:57:00",
    "is_playing": true

GET /stream: Get current stream configuration.

Response body the same as for the PUT /streams request.


curl -X GET 'http://localhost:18367/stream'
    "name": "test-stream",
    "source_id": "test",
    "timestamp": "2024-03-12T06:57:00",
    "is_playing": true

PUT /stream/play: Start playing the stream.

The request has no body.

Response body the same as for the PUT /streams request.


curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:18367/stream/play'
    "name": "test-stream",
    "source_id": "test",
    "timestamp": "2024-03-12T06:57:00",
    "is_playing": true

PUT /stream/stop: Stop playing the stream.

The request has no body.

Response body the same as for the PUT /streams request.


curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:18367/stream/stop'
    "name": "test-stream",
    "source_id": "test",
    "timestamp": "2024-03-12T06:57:00",
    "is_playing": false

Message Dump Player Source Adapter

The Message Dump Player Adapter plays video dumps sequentially from a playlist file and sends them to a module. Playlist file contains a list of message dump files, one per line. It’s one shot adapter, i.e. it stops after playing all files from the playlist.


  • PLAYLIST_PATH: a path to the playlist file;

  • SYNC_OUTPUT: flag specifying if to send frames synchronously (i.e. at the source file rate); default is False.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name message-dump-player-test \
    --entrypoint python \
    -e PLAYLIST_PATH=/path/to/playlist/file.txt \
    -e SYNC_OUTPUT=False \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=dealer+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -v /path/to/playlist/file.txt:/path/to/playlist/file.txt:ro \
    -v /path/to/dump/files:/path/to/dump/files \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \ \
    -m adapters.python.sources.message_dump_player

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ mdp --playlist /path/to/playlist/file.txt --dump-files-dir /path/to/dump/files

Sink Adapters

There is a number of sink adapters implemented:

  • JSON Metadata;

  • Image File;

  • Video File;

  • Display;

  • Always-On RTSP;

  • Kafka-Redis;

  • Multistream Kinesis Video Stream.

All sync adapters accept the following parameters:

  • ZMQ_ENDPOINT: a ZeroMQ socket for data input matching the one specified in module’s output; the endpoint coding scheme is [<socket_type>+(bind|connect):]<endpoint>;

  • ZMQ_TYPE: a ZeroMQ socket type for the adapter’s input; the default value is SUB, can also be set to ROUTER or REP; warning: this parameter is deprecated, consider encoding the type in ZMQ_ENDPOINT;

  • ZMQ_BIND: a parameter specifying whether the adapter’s input should be bound or connected to the specified endpoint; If True, the input is bound; otherwise, it’s connected; the default value is False; warning: this parameter is deprecated, consider encoding the type in ZMQ_ENDPOINT.

JSON Metadata Sink Adapter

The JSON Metadata Sink Adapter writes received messages as newline-delimited JSON streaming files specified as:

  • a local path to a single file;

  • a local path with substitution patterns:

    1. %source_id inserts SOURCE_ID value into resulting filename;

    2. %src_filename inserts source filename into resulting filename.


  • FILENAME_PATTERN: a filesystem pattern to write files to; can be a plain location or a pattern; supported substitution parameters are %source_id, %src_filename, and %chunk_idx;

  • CHUNK_SIZE: a chunk size in a number of frames; the stream is split into chunks and is written to separate folders with consecutive numbering; default is 10000; a value of 0 disables chunking, resulting in a continuous stream of frames by source_id;

  • SKIP_FRAMES_WITHOUT_OBJECTS: a flag indicating whether frames without detected objects are ignored in output; the default value is False;

  • SOURCE_ID: an optional filter to filter out frames with a specific source_id only;

  • SOURCE_ID_PREFIX an optional filter to filter out frames with a matching source_id prefix only.

If the FILENAME_PATTERN contains an extension (e.g., .json-stream) it is extracted and used in the final file name. if the extension is missing, the system will add .json.

When the FILENAME_PATTERN contains %chunk_idx the pattern will be used as is, for example:



/out/%source_id/%chunk_idx/metadata # .json will be added

If the FILENAME_PATTERN does not contain %chunk_idx and the CHUNK_SIZE is set to a value greater than 0, the filename is constructed as:




When the CHUNK_SIZE is set to 0, the name is built as:




Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-meta-json \
--entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/python/sinks/ \
-e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
-e FILENAME_PATTERN=/path/to/output/%source_id-%src_filename \
-v /path/to/output/:/path/to/output/ \
-v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ meta-json /path/to/output/%source_id-%src_filename

Image File Sink Adapter

The image file sink adapter extends the JSON metadata adapter by writing image files along with metadata JSON files to a directory specified with DIR_LOCATION.


  • DIR_LOCATION: a location to write files to; can be a regular path or a path template; supported substitution parameters are %source_id, %src_filename, and %chunk_idx;

  • CHUNK_SIZE: a chunk size in a number of frames; the stream is split into chunks and is written to separate directories with consecutive numbering; default is 10000; A value of 0 disables chunking, resulting in a continuous stream of frames by source_id;

  • SKIP_FRAMES_WITHOUT_OBJECTS: a flag indicating whether frames without objects are ignored in output; the default value is False;

  • SOURCE_ID: an optional filter to filter out frames with a specific source_id only;

  • SOURCE_ID_PREFIX an optional filter to filter out frames with a matching source_id prefix only.

If DIR_LOCATION does not contain %chunk_idx it is created as a subdirectory containing: metadata.json file and images directory with images. Otherwise, extra directory is not created.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-meta-json \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/python/sinks/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
    -e DIR_LOCATION=/path/to/output/%source_id-%src_filename \
    -e CHUNK_SIZE=0 \
    -v /path/to/output/:/path/to/output/ \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ image-files /path/to/output/%source_id-%src_filename

Video File Sink Adapter

The video file sink adapter extends the JSON metadata adapter by writing video files along with metadata JSON files to a directory specified with DIR_LOCATION.


  • DIR_LOCATION: a location to write files to; can be a regular path or a path template; supported substitution parameters are %source_id, %src_filename, and %chunk_idx;

  • CHUNK_SIZE: a chunk size in a number of frames; the stream is split into chunks and is written to separate folders with consecutive numbering; default is 10000; A value of 0 disables limit for number of frames in a chunk: the stream will be split into chunks only by EOS messages;

  • SOURCE_ID: an optional filter to filter out frames with a specific source_id only;

  • SOURCE_ID_PREFIX an optional filter to filter out frames with a matching source_id prefix only.

If DIR_LOCATION does not contain %chunk_idx it is created as a subdirectory containing: metadata.json and video.{mov, webm} files. Otherwise, extra directory is not created.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-meta-json \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sinks/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
    -e DIR_LOCATION=/path/to/output/%source_id-%src_filename \
    -e CHUNK_SIZE=0 \
    -v /path/to/output/:/path/to/output/ \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ video-files /path/to/output/%source_id-%src_filename

Display Sink Adapter

The Display Sink Adapter is a visualizing adapter designed for development purposes. To use this adapter, you need a working X server and monitor. The adapter is used with synchronous streams, so for expected operation, the data source must be served with SYNC=True. The adapter also allows specifying the SYNC flag, but it is better to configure it on the source side.


  • CLOSING_DELAY: a delay in seconds before closing the window after the video stream has finished, the default value is 0;

  • SYNC_INPUT: a flag indicating whether to show the frames on the sink synchronously with the source (i.e., at the source file rate); if you are intending to use SYNC processing, consider DEALER/ROUTER or REQ/REP sockets, because PUB/SUB may drop packets when queues are overflown;

  • SOURCE_ID: an optional filter to filter out frames with a specific source_id only;

  • SOURCE_ID_PREFIX: an optional filter to filter out frames with a source_id prefix only;

  • SOURCE_TIMEOUT: a timeout before deleting stale source (in seconds); the default value is 10;

  • SOURCE_EVICTION_INTERVAL: an interval between source eviction checks (in seconds); the default value is 1;

  • INGRESS_QUEUE_LENGTH: a length of the ingress queue in frames; the default value is 200;

  • INGRESS_QUEUE_BYTE_SIZE: a size of the ingress queue in bytes; the default value is 10485760;

  • DECODER_QUEUE_LENGTH: a length of the queue before decoder in frames; the default value is 5;

  • DECODER_QUEUE_BYTE_SIZE: a size of the queue before decoder in bytes; the default value is 10485760;

  • EGRESS_QUEUE_LENGTH: a length of the queue after decoder in frames; the default value is 5;

  • EGRESS_QUEUE_BYTE_SIZE: a size of the queue after decoder in bytes; the default value is 10485760.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-display \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/ds/sinks/ \
    -e SYNC_INPUT=False \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
    -e DISPLAY \
    -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth \
    -e CLOSING_DELAY=0 \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v /tmp/.docker.xauth:/tmp/.docker.xauth \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \
    --gpus=all \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ display

Always-On RTSP Sink Adapter

The Always-On RTSP Sink Adapter broadcasts the video stream as RTSP/LL-HLS/WebRTC.

This adapter always performs transcoding of the incoming stream to ensure continuous streaming even when its source stops operating. In this case, the adapter continues to stream a static image waiting for the source to resume sending data.

When Nvidia Runtime is available this adapter uses DeepStream SDK and performs hardware transcoding and scaling of the incoming stream, otherwise it performs software transcoding and scaling. Software-based encoding/decoding must be used only when hardware-based encoding is not available (Jetson Orin Nano, A100, H100). If the hardware-based encoding is available, run the adapter with Nvidia runtime enabled to activate hardware-based decoding/encoding.

The adapter provides API to control video streams. API is available at http://<container-host>:<API_PORT>. API documentation is available at http://<container-host>:<API_PORT>.


Software-based encoding/decoding is available only for H264 codec.

The simplified design of the adapter is depicted in the following diagram:


We use Always-On RTSP Adapter in our demos. Take a look at one of them to get acquainted with its use.







A URI of the RTSP server where to cast the stream, this parameter is required only when DEV_MODE=False. The sink sends video stream to RTSP_URI/{source-id}.




Enables the use of embedded MediaMTX to serve a stream.




The location of a stub image file; the image file must be in JPEG format, this parameter is required; the stub image file is shown when there is no input data; its dimensions define the resolution of the output stream.




A maximum delay in milliseconds to wait after the last frame received before the stub image is displayed.




A transfer mode specification; one of: scale-to-fit, crop-to-fit; the parameter defines how the incoming video stream is mapped to the resulting stream.




Enabled transport protocols; the parameter is required only when DEV_MODE=False.




The resulting RTSP stream buffer size in milliseconds.




Whether to send RTSP keep alive packets; set it to False for old incompatible server.




An encoding codec; one of: h264, hevc.

h264 (browser-compatible)



An encoding profile:
  • For h264, is one of:
    • Baseline

    • Main

    • High

  • For hevc, is one of:
    • Main

    • Main10

    • FREXT

Depending on the selected codec:
  • h264`: High

  • hevc: Main



An encoding bitrate in bit/s.




A frame rate for the output stream.




A period of I-frame insertion;




Where to dump metadata; one of: stdout, logger.




A flag indicating whether to show frames on sink synchronously (i.e. at the source rate).




A flag indicating whether to synchronise frames at realtime (i.e. using absolute timestamps); ignored when SYNC_INPUT=False.




An offset in milliseconds to adjust the synchronisation. Tune this parameter to play video more smoothly. When REALTIME=False, the offset is applied to the timestamp of the first frame; when REALTIME=True, the offset is applied to the current time. Ignored when SYNC_INPUT=False.




A size of queue for frames to be synchronised; ignored when SYNC_INPUT=False. Tune this parameter according to the stream framerate and SYNC_OFFSET_MS.




A filter to receive frames with a specific source_id only (at the start of the adapter, when no other streams are configured with the REST API). This parameter is ignored when SOURCE_IDS is specified.




A filter to receive frames with specific source_id-s only (at the start of the adapter, when no other streams are configured with the REST API).




Maximum resolution of the incoming stream; if the resolution is greater than the allowed resolution, the video stream will terminate; you can override the max allowed resolution be setting width and height of frames.




A port for the stream control REST API.




A flag indicating whether to stop the adapter when a stream is failed.




An interval in milliseconds to poll statuses of the streams.




A flag specifying whether to use low-latency decoding (only for hardware decoder nvv4l2decoder). Do not enable it if input stream contains B-frames.



When DEV_MODE=True the stream is available at:

  • RTSP: rtsp://<container-host>:554/stream/{source-id}

  • RTMP: rtmp://<container-host>:1935/stream/{source-id}

  • LL-HLS: http://<container-host>:888/stream/{source-id}

  • WebRTC: http://<container-host>:8889/stream/{source-id}

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-always-on-rtsp \
    --gpus=all \
    --entrypoint python \
    -e SYNC_INPUT=True \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
    -e SOURCE_ID=test \
    -e STUB_FILE_LOCATION=/path/to/stub_file/test.jpg \
    -e MAX_DELAY_MS=1000 \
    -e TRANSFER_MODE=scale-to-fit \
    -e RTSP_URI=rtsp:// \
    -e RTSP_PROTOCOLS=tcp \
    -e RTSP_LATENCY_MS=100 \
    -e RTSP_KEEP_ALIVE=True \
    -e ENCODER_BITRATE=4000000 \
    -e FRAMERATE=30/1 \
    -e API_PORT=13000 \
    -p 13000:13000 \
    -v /path/to/stub_file/test.jpg:/path/to/stub_file/test.jpg:ro \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \ \
    -m adapters.ds.sinks.always_on_rtsp

Running the adapter with the helper script:

./scripts/ always-on-rtsp --source-id=test --stub-file-location=/path/to/stub_file/test.jpg rtsp://

Stream control API

The Always-On RTSP Sink Adapter provides an API to control video streams. The API is available at http://<container-host>:<API_PORT>. The OpenAPI documentation is available at http://<container-host>:<API_PORT>/docs.

The API provides the following endpoints:

PUT /streams/{source_id}: Create a new stream and start it.

Path parameters:

  • source_id (required): a source ID.

Request body:

  • stub_file (string): a location of a stub image file; the image file must be in JPEG format;

  • framerate (string): a frame rate for the output stream;

  • idr_period (integer): a period of I-frame insertion;

  • codec (string): an encoding codec; one of: h264, hevc;

  • bitrate (integer): an encoding bitrate in bit/s;

  • profile (string): an encoding profile. For h264 one of: Baseline, Main, High; for hevc one of: Main, Main10, FREXT;

  • max_delay_ms (integer): a maximum delay in milliseconds to wait after the last frame received before the stub image is displayed;

  • latency_ms (integer): resulting RTSP stream buffer size in ms;

  • transfer_mode (string): a transfer mode specification; one of: scale-to-fit, crop-to-fit; the parameter defines how the incoming video stream is mapped to the resulting stream;

  • rtsp_keep_alive (boolean): whether to send RTSP keep alive packets;

  • metadata_output (string): where to dump metadata; one of: stdout, logger;

  • sync_input (boolean): a flag indicates whether to show frames on sink synchronously (i.e. at the source rate).


If any of the parameters is not specified, the value from the adapter parameters will be used.

Response body:

  • all the fields from the request body;

  • status (object): a status of the stream:

    • is_alive (boolean): a flag indicating whether the stream is alive;

    • exit_code (integer): an exit code of the stream in case of failure.


curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:13000/streams/test' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
    "stub_file": "/stub_imgs/smpte100_640x360.jpeg",
    "framerate": "30/1",
    "idr_period": 15,
    "codec": "hevc",
    "bitrate": 4000000,
    "profile": "Main",
    "max_delay_ms": 1000,
    "latency_ms": 100,
    "transfer_mode": "scale-to-fit",
    "rtsp_keep_alive": true,
    "metadata_output": "stdout",
    "sync_input": false
  "stub_file": "/stub_imgs/smpte100_640x360.jpeg",
  "framerate": "30/1",
  "idr_period": 15,
  "bitrate": 4000000,
  "profile": "Main",
  "codec": "hevc",
  "max_delay_ms": 1000,
  "latency_ms": 100,
  "transfer_mode": "scale-to-fit",
  "rtsp_keep_alive": true,
  "metadata_output": "stdout",
  "sync_input": false,
  "status": {
    "is_alive": true,
    "exit_code": null
curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:13000/streams/test2' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{}'
  "stub_file": "/stub_imgs/smpte100_1280x720.jpeg",
  "framerate": "20/1",
  "idr_period": 20,
  "bitrate": 4000000,
  "profile": "High",
  "codec": "h264",
  "max_delay_ms": 1000,
  "latency_ms": 100,
  "transfer_mode": "scale-to-fit",
  "rtsp_keep_alive": true,
  "metadata_output": null,
  "sync_input": false,
  "status": {
    "is_alive": true,
    "exit_code": null

GET /streams/{source_id}: get configuration of a stream.

Path parameters:

  • source_id (required): a source ID.

Query parameters:

  • format: a response format; one of: json, yaml; the default value is json.

Response body the same as for the PUT /streams/{source_id} request.


curl 'http://localhost:13000/streams/test?format=json'


  "stub_file": "/stub_imgs/smpte100_640x360.jpeg",
  "framerate": "30/1",
  "idr_period": 30,
  "bitrate": 4000000,
  "profile": "Main",
  "codec": "hevc",
  "max_delay_ms": 1000,
  "latency_ms": 100,
  "transfer_mode": "scale-to-fit",
  "rtsp_keep_alive": true,
  "metadata_output": "stdout",
  "sync_input": false,
  "status": {
    "is_alive": true,
    "exit_code": null

GET /streams: list configurations of all streams.

Query parameters:

  • format: a response format; one of: json, yaml; the default value is json.


curl 'http://localhost:13000/streams?format=yaml'


  stub_file: /stub_imgs/smpte100_640x360.jpeg
  framerate: 30/1
  idr_period: 30
  codec: hevc
  bitrate: 4000000
  profile: Main
  max_delay_ms: 1000
  latency_ms: 100
  transfer_mode: scale-to-fit
  rtsp_keep_alive: true
  metadata_output: stdout
  sync_input: false
    is_alive: true
    exit_code: null

DELETE /streams/{source_id}: stop and delete a stream.

Path parameters:

  • source_id (required): a source ID.


curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:13000/streams/test'



Kafka-Redis Sink Adapter

The Kafka-Redis Sink Adapter sends video stream metadata to Kafka and frame content to Redis. Frame content location is encoded as <redis-host>:<redis-port>:<redis-db>/<redis-key>. <redis-key> is in format REDIS_KEY_PREFIX:UUID where UUID is a unique identifier of the video frame. When Redis is not configured (i.e. REDIS_HOST is not set) the adapter will store frame content internally in the video frame.


  • KAFKA_BROKERS (required): a comma-separated list of Kafka brokers;

  • KAFKA_TOPIC (required): a Kafka topic to put messages to;

  • KAFKA_FLUSH_INTERVAL: a flush interval in seconds for Kafka producer; default is 1;

  • KAFKA_FLUSH_TIMEOUT: a flush timeout in seconds for Kafka producer; default is 10;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC: a flag indicating whether to create a Kafka topic if it does not exist; default is False;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_NUM_PARTITIONS: a number of partitions for a Kafka topic to create; default is 1;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR: a replication factor for a Kafka topic to create; default is 1;

  • KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_CONFIG: a json dict of a Kafka topic configuration, see topic configs (e.g. {"": 300000}); default is {};

  • REDIS_HOST: a Redis host;

  • REDIS_PORT: a Redis port; default is 6379;

  • REDIS_DB: a Redis database; default is 0;

  • REDIS_KEY_PREFIX: a prefix for Redis keys; frame content is put to Redis with a key REDIS_KEY_PREFIX:UUID; default is savant:frames;

  • REDIS_TTL_SECONDS: a TTL for Redis keys; default is 60;

  • QUEUE_SIZE: a maximum amount of messages in the queue; default is 50;

  • DEDUPLICATE: when True and the frame content was not encoded by the module (i.e. the module works in pass-through mode) the adapter will only update TTL of the frame content in Redis; default is False.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-kafka-redis-test \
    --entrypoint python \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
    -e KAFKA_BROKERS=kafka:9092 \
    -e KAFKA_TOPIC=kafka-redis-adapter-demo \
    -e 'KAFKA_CREATE_TOPIC_CONFIG={"": 300000}' \
    -e REDIS_HOST=redis \
    -e REDIS_PORT=6379 \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \ \
    -m adapters.python.sinks.kafka_redis


The adapter doesn’t have ZMQ_TYPE, ZMQ_BIND parameters.

Running the adapter with the helper script:

./scripts/ kafka-redis --brokers=kafka:9092 --topic=kafka-redis-adapter-demo --redis-host=redis

Multistream Kinesis Video Stream Sink Adapter

The Multistream Kinesis Video Stream Sink Adapter sends video frames to Kinesis Video Streams as video fragments.


The adapter requires frames to have absolute timestamps. This can be achieved by setting USE_ABSOLUTE_TIMESTAMPS=True on a source adapter.







An AWS region.




An AWS access key ID.




An AWS secret access key.




A prefix for the stream name. The stream name is generated as <STREAM_NAME_PREFIX><source_id>.

Empty string



A flag indicating whether to create a stream on KVS if it does not exist.




A log level for the KVS SDK.




An optional filter to filter out frames with a specific source_id only.




An optional filter to filter out frames with a matching source_id prefix only.




A threshold in seconds when the KVS SDK slows down accepting new frames.




A threshold in seconds when the KVS SDK stops accepting new frames.




A number of frames between FPS reports.




A number of seconds between FPS reports.



Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name sink-kvs-test \
    --entrypoint /opt/savant/adapters/gst/sinks/ \
    -e ZMQ_ENDPOINT=sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc \
    -e AWS_REGION=us-west-2 \
    -e STREAM_NAME_PREFIX=foo- \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \

Running with the helper script:

./scripts/ multistream-kvs \
    --aws-region=us-west-2 \
    --aws-access-key='AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE' \


The adapter doesn’t have ZMQ_TYPE, ZMQ_BIND parameters.


The adapter supports only h265 and hevc codecs.

Bridge Adapters

Bridge adapters deliver data from other elements of the pipeline (e.g. a source adapter) to a module. Bridge adapters accept data from one ZeroMQ socket and send it to another ZeroMQ socket.

Currently, the following bridge adapters are available:

  • Buffer adapter.

Bridge adapters accept the following common parameters:

  • ZMQ_SINK_ENDPOINT: a ZeroMQ socket for data input matching the one specified in module’s output; the endpoint coding scheme is <socket_type>+(bind|connect):<endpoint>;

  • ZMQ_SRC_ENDPOINT: adapter’s socket where it sends media stream; it must form a valid ZeroMQ pair with module’s input socket; the endpoint coding scheme is <socket_type>+(bind|connect):<endpoint>;

Buffer Bridge Adapter

The Buffer Bridge Adapter buffers messages from a source and sends them to a module. When the module is not able to accept the message, the adapter buffers it until the module is ready to accept it. When the buffer is full, the adapter drops the incoming message.


The endpoint in ZMQ_SRC_ENDPOINT can only be DEALER.


  • BUFFER_PATH (required): a path to a buffer;

  • BUFFER_LEN: a maximum amount of messages in the buffer; default is 1000;

  • BUFFER_SERVICE_MESSAGES: a buffer length for service messages (eg. EndOfStream, Shutdown); used when the main part of the buffer is full (BUFFER_LEN); default is 100;

  • BUFFER_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE: a threshold to mark the buffer not full; default is 80;

  • IDLE_POLLING_PERIOD: an interval between polling messages from the buffer when the buffer is empty, in seconds; default is 0.005;

  • STATS_LOG_INTERVAL: an interval between logging buffer statistics, in seconds; default is 60;

  • METRICS_FRAME_PERIOD: output FPS stats after every N frames; default is 1000;

  • METRICS_TIME_PERIOD: output FPS stats after every N seconds;

  • METRICS_HISTORY: how many last FPS stats to keep in the memory; default is 100;

  • METRICS_PROVIDER: a metrics provider name; only prometheus is supported;

  • METRICS_PROVIDER_PARAMS: a json dict of metrics provider parameters; default is {}. The port in METRICS_PROVIDER_PARAMS is required when METRICS_PROVIDER is set to 'prometheus'. labels in METRICS_PROVIDER_PARAMS defines extra labels added to the metrics;

  • MESSAGE_DUMP_ENABLED: a flag indicating whether to dump messages to a file; default is False;

  • MESSAGE_DUMP_PATH: a directory to dump message segment files; default is /tmp/buffer-adapter-dump;

  • MESSAGE_DUMP_SEGMENT_DURATION: a duration of a message segment in seconds; default is 60.

  • MESSAGE_DUMP_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE: a template for message segment file names; default is dump-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.msgpack.

Running the adapter with Docker:

docker run --rm -it --name bridge-buffer-test \
    --entrypoint python \
    -e ZMQ_SINK_ENDPOINT=sub+bind:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc \
    -e ZMQ_SRC_ENDPOINT=dealer+bind:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/buffered-video.ipc \
    -e BUFFER_PATH=/tmp/savant/buffer \
    -e BUFFER_LEN=1000 \
    -e IDLE_POLLING_PERIOD=0.005 \
    -e METRICS_HISTORY=100 \
    -e METRICS_PROVIDER=prometheus \
    -e METRICS_PROVIDER_PARAMS='{"port": 8000, "labels":{"adapter":"buffer"}}' \
    -v /tmp/zmq-sockets:/tmp/zmq-sockets \
    -v /tmp/savant/buffer:/tmp/savant/buffer \ \
    -m adapters.python.bridges.buffer

Running the adapter with the helper script:

./scripts/ buffer --mount-buffer-path /tmp/savant/buffer

The adapter exports its internal state to Prometheus:






A total number of received messages.



A total number of messages pushed in the disk buffer.



A total number of dropped messages (exceeded the buffer limit).



A total number of downstream-sent messages.



A current buffer size in elements.



A current buffer size in bytes.



A timestamp of the last received message.



A timestamp of the last pushed message.



A timestamp of the last dropped message.



A timestamp of the last sent message.
