Managed Pipeline Shutdown

There are two ways to make the pipeline complete properly with a 3rd-party component:

* with a shutdown message propagated by the upstream component;
* with the embedded webserver through REST API.

Shutdown Message

The first approach requires that the 3rd-party component was able to send a shutdown message to the pipeline
ZMQ socket. A ready-to-use functionality is implemented in synchronous :py:class:`savant.client.runner.source.SourceRunner`
and asynchronous :py:class:`savant.client.runner.source.AsyncSourceRunner` classes.

The user must provide the shutdown token configured for a pipeline in the module parameters:

* ``parameters.shutdown_auth``: the token to be used for the shutdown message.

By default, this parameter is not defined and the shutdown message is not accepted.


The second approach is to use the embedded webserver with REST API. The user can send a POST request
to the pipeline. The API supports two variants of the shutdown behavior:

* ``graceful``: the shutdown happens when the next ingress message is received, this approach lets ensure that the pipeline
  processes all inflight data;
* ``signal``: the shutdown happens immediately, the pipeline receives SIGINT or another signal configured with
  `savant-rs <>`__.

.. http:post:: /shutdown/(str: shutdown_auth)/(str: shutdown_type)

   :param shutdown_auth: the token to be used for the shutdown message
   :type shutdown_auth: str
   :param shutdown_type: the type of the shutdown message, one of ``graceful`` or ``signal``
   :type shutdown_type: str

   :status 200: when the shutdown message is accepted
   :status 401: when the shutdown message is not accepted
   :status 500: when the shutdown message is not configured\