Configure The Documentation Environment ======================================= The simplest way to work on the Savant documentation is to use a dockerized Sphinx environment. We provide instructions on how to build such a runtime. The GPU is not required to work on the documentation. The Dockerized Environment -------------------------- You need 20GB on local drive to build the environment properly. Fetch Base Images For Nvidia DeepStream ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We recommend pulling Nvidia docker containers separately because the Nvidia registry is configured in such a way to kick the long-waiting pullers. .. code-block:: bash docker pull docker pull Build The Dockerized Sphinx Runtime ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This operation must be executed only once. It will take a while to build the runtime. .. code-block:: bash make build-docs Compile The Documentation From Sources ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To build the documentation, call the following command: .. code-block:: bash make run-docs Access The Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ open ``build/html/index.html`` in your browser.