Client SDK ========== Client SDK is a Python library enabling developing sources and sinks in a simplified way with pure Python. The SDK allows ingesting frames and their metadata to a running module and receiving the results from a running module. The SDK is developed to solve the following needs: - develop integration tests for Pipelines (QA); - implement custom source adapters without deep understanding of streaming technology; - implement custom sink adapters without deep understanding of streaming technology; - remote development. Source usage example: .. code-block:: python import time from savant_rs import init_jaeger_tracer from savant.client import JaegerLogProvider, JpegSource, SourceBuilder # Initialize Jaeger tracer to send metrics and logs to Jaeger. # Note: the Jaeger tracer also should be configured in the module. init_jaeger_tracer('savant-client', 'localhost:6831') # Build the source source = ( SourceBuilder() .with_log_provider(JaegerLogProvider('http://localhost:16686')) .with_socket('pub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc') # Note: healthcheck port should be configured in the module. .with_module_health_check_url('') .build() ) # Send a JPEG image from a file to the module result = source(JpegSource('cam-1', 'data/AVG-TownCentre.jpeg')) print(result.status) time.sleep(1) # Wait for the module to process the frame result.logs().pretty_print() Sink usage example: .. code-block:: python from savant.client import JaegerLogProvider, SinkBuilder # Build the sink sink = ( SinkBuilder() .with_socket('sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc') .with_idle_timeout(60) .with_log_provider(JaegerLogProvider('http://localhost:16686')) # Note: healthcheck port should be configured in the module. .with_module_health_check_url('') .build() ) # Receive results from the module and print them for result in sink: print(result.frame_meta) result.logs().pretty_print() Async example (both source and sink): .. code-block:: python import asyncio from savant_rs import init_jaeger_tracer from savant.client import JaegerLogProvider, JpegSource, SinkBuilder, SourceBuilder async def run_source(): # Build the source source = ( SourceBuilder() .with_log_provider(JaegerLogProvider('http://localhost:16686')) .with_socket('pub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/input-video.ipc') .build_async() ) # Send a JPEG image from a file to the module result = await source(JpegSource('cam-1', 'data/AVG-TownCentre.jpeg')) print(result.status) async def run_sink(): # Build the sink sink = ( SinkBuilder() .with_socket('sub+connect:ipc:///tmp/zmq-sockets/output-video.ipc') .with_idle_timeout(60) .with_log_provider(JaegerLogProvider('http://localhost:16686')) .build_async() ) # Receive results from the module and print them async for result in sink: print(result.frame_meta) result.logs().pretty_print() async def main(): # Initialize Jaeger tracer to send metrics and logs to Jaeger. # Note: the Jaeger tracer also should be configured in the module. init_jaeger_tracer('savant-client', 'localhost:6831') await asyncio.gather(run_sink(), run_source()) .. currentmodule:: savant.client Builders -------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/class.rst SourceBuilder SinkBuilder Frame sources ------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/class.rst FrameSource JpegSource PngSource Log providers ------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/class.rst LogProvider JaegerLogProvider Results ------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/class.rst runner.source.SourceResult runner.sink.SinkResult Runners ------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated :nosignatures: :template: autosummary/class.rst runner.source.SourceRunner runner.source.AsyncSourceRunner runner.sink.SinkRunner runner.sink.AsyncSinkRunner