VS Code ======= In general, follow instructions from ``__. The following steps are specific developing a Savant module starting from the module template that already contains the devcontainer configuration. IDE Preparation --------------- #. Install the `Remote Development `_ extension pack. (Optional) Connect to a remote host ----------------------------------- #. In case you want to develop on a remote host, you can connect to it using SSH. Follow the instructions from ``__ to setup SSH host and connect to it. It is recommended to setup SSH keys to avoid entering password every time you connect to the host. Project Preparation ------------------- #. Clone the Savant repo: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/insight-platform/Savant.git #. Copy and rename the template (let's name the new project ``my-module``): .. code-block:: bash cp -r Savant/samples/template my-module #. Run the IDE and open the ``my-module`` folder. #. Update the ``devcontainer.json`` file according to the folder name and your platform (``.devcontainer/l4t/devcontainer.json`` for Jetson, ``.devcontainer/x86/devcontainer.json`` for x86): * Update ``--network`` value in ``runArgs`` .. code-block:: json "runArgs": [ "--gpus=all", "--network=my-module_network" ], * Update zmq sockets volume source in ``mounts`` .. code-block:: json { "source": "my-module_zmq_sockets", "target": "/tmp/zmq-sockets", "type": "volume" }, Deploy Jaeger service --------------------- Sample module and client are configured to send traces to Jaeger service by default. Run the following command to deploy Jaeger service: .. code-block:: bash docker compose -f docker-compose.x86.yml up jaeger -d Docker Compose takes care of creating the network and volume required for communication. Reopen in Container ------------------- #. The following steps apply to both local and remote development (screenshots are made for remote development). #. Open the Command Palette with **F1** or **Ctrl+Shift+P**. #. Type ``reopen`` and select **Dev Containers: Reopen in Container**: .. image:: ../_static/img/dev-env/13-reopen-in-container.png #. Select a devcontainer.json file according to your platform (``.devcontainer/l4t/devcontainer.json`` for Jetson, ``.devcontainer/x86/devcontainer.json`` for x86): .. image:: ../_static/img/dev-env/14-select-devcontainer.png #. Wait until the container is built and the project is opened. The remote host in the Status Bar should indicate that you are working in the container: .. image:: ../_static/img/dev-env/15-remote-host-status-bar.png #. Launch the module by opening the ``run.py`` script and choosing **Terminal > Run Active File** or by clicking the ``Run and Debug`` icon in the Activity Bar. At the end you will see pipeline's output with metadata: .. image:: ../_static/img/dev-env/16-run-python-file.png #. Open the ``client/run.py`` script and run it by selecting ``Run Python File in Dedicated Terminal``. You will see the client's output: .. image:: ../_static/img/dev-env/17-run-client.png #. Check the results: * Open ``output/result_img.jpeg`` in the IDE Explorer to see the result image. .. image:: ../_static/img/dev-env/18-check-result-img.png * Visit ```` to access the Jaeger UI. That's it, the environment is set up. Now you are ready to develop your own pipeline. See the next section to find out how. .. youtube:: uV3jlvvMKrc Update Runtime On Container Change ---------------------------------- .. include:: ../includes/getting_started/1_vscode_update_docker.rst In the following sections, you will find additional details on module development.